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2021, Sustainability and Brands

If we have learned one thing in 2020 to carry forward to 2021, it is — Sustainability. 

After the pandemic hit globally, we have had to consciously make an effort to collectively reduce our carbon footprint off the face of this Earth. 

Consumers have been thinking about ecological waste and their footprint affecting our environment more than ever now and are switching to products that are eco-friendly. Brands dealing in physical goods are especially sensitive to potential tension since consumers are demanding green packaging materials. You can expect to see more brands evolving their packaging designs that emphasize sustainability through natural iconography, neutral color palettes, and eco-conscious materials.

Did you know that sustainability features prominently in graphic designs in 2021?
Now they do.

Brands and their consumers are

  • Taking Responsibility – brands are switching to sustainable fonts such as Courier New, Garamond, Century Gothic, Calibri and Times New Roman. 
  • The New Normal – ‘Going-Green’ has hit the headlines. Upcoming new brands and old brands are collectively making decisions to meet consumer standards. Luxury, lifestyle and mass brands are all jumping on the solar-powered movement.
  • Generation Y– Millennials are pushing brands to be more socially and environmentally responsible. Millennials prefer to do business with corporations and brands with prosocial messages, sustainable manufacturing methods and ethical business standards.
  • Color Trends in Graphic Design – As socially-conscious consumers have become, brands are also studying the psychology behind and are using organic colors on their branding, printing and packaging. This will be their USP even.

In 2021, graphic design will continue to be inspiring and influential in culture. Perhaps it will be as uproaring  and unpredictable as 2020 (on the flipside). It’s clear that the term ‘eco-friendly packaging’ is now more than a buzzword. In fact, implementing eco-packaging in your brand’s operations is no longer an option – it’s a necessity.

One way or another,  this change has manifested itself  in the millennial generation’s preference for socially responsible marketing

Can this conscious initiative continue to change the world? 



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